Monday, May 22, 2006





Wednesday, May 17, 2006


你快乐吗? 我很悲伤。
你悲伤吗? 我很快乐。
你害怕吗? 我很彷徨。
你彷徨吗? 我很害怕。”-- 大长金



Monday, May 15, 2006

Meaningful Quote

It takes a minute to have a crush on someone,
An hour to like someone and,
A day to love someone - but,
It takes a lifetime to forget someone.

Sunday, May 07, 2006




让他这么一喊,我霎时觉得全身发疼,疼痛似乎从骨头里痛来,全身无力,很渴睡。即使再丰富的节目,都得一一取消 :(。







电视机一开,简直是一拔不可收拾。自己在发烧,全身的疼痛,泻肚子,甚至老爹姓什么都抛到九霄云外了。James Bond要上场了,即使在生病也该有点娱乐吧。

“本来很喜欢James Bond的,看你这个样子,我现在很不喜欢James Bond!”“阿宁”在抗议。我看着他嘟着嘴巴的样子,都觉得好好笑。我晓得他的懊恼,但也晓得他是很疼爱我的。

一口气看了2部James Bond的戏,间中也转台看投票的结果(耶,PAP又当选了!)。“阿宁”一再地叮咛我看完戏,吃了药,就得早点休息。我哪有睡意呢?睡了一整天,那还能睡?敷衍了“阿宁”,依然双眼盯着荧光幕不放。






Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Ever since I annouced my wish/urge/plan for retirement, the one and only response've guessed it: surprise.

Hmm...I am not a workaholic, so if I plan to retire now, it should not have drawn so much astonishment from people who really know me. Come to think of it, no one supports the idea! This is ludicrous, do you not think so???

My girlfriends go: "Why do you wanna retire?", "Are you sure you wanna do that?", "What are you gonna do after you retire?", "It will be boring, you know.", etc, etc. I got the gist :(.

No, I'm not swayed by their unsupportive gesture, but never expect such response when I made known to the world, on impulse. So, I ask my Significant Other, again, what he thinks of this idea of mine.

“我举双手双脚赞成!” He says. He is definitely for it coz he thinks my daily living ain't disciplined, or rather, topsy turvy. He always has no kind word when I stay up late and work up early the next day. Yes, he would rather I sleep to my fill.

"You are always sleep-deficit! How can you have slept enough?" He reprimands me. I don't wanna argue with him coz I know he has my welfare at heart. No matter the upmteen times I've told him I'm a night person and hate waking up early in the morning, I'll sleep when my bio-clock tells me so, etc etc, he can never comprehend. *Sigh*......

Anyway, I digress, a fair bit.

I am still harbouring the thought, not gonna give it up just coz my gal friends aren't for it. I do know I may find retirement a bore after a while coz ultimately I am a person who strives for adventures. Of course I won't jump on the wagon without a plan on hand. Can't imagine being a tai tai after retirement. Of course I would want to enjoy that for a fair bit :). Go shopping, at high-end shops and boutiques, go for high-tea when my legs are about to give way. Sipping my earl grey tea (argrrgh....I hate earl grey ;<), looking at life passing by. Ha, so siok :P. No?

What else can I do? Hmm......guess I really need to go and plan a bit, before I jump on the wagon.