Friday, December 02, 2011


December definitely is a crazy month.

If you are working, guess lots of organizations have December as their last month of financial year. That means, tonnes of closing to do, clearing of backlog, if any, to spend whatever need to be spent, etc, etc. The rush is crazy and can be nerve breaking as well :(.

However, you still can't beat the festive and holiday moods. Christmas is coming! Nope, I don't celebrate Christmas but the festive moods do rub in and it's contagious. Am getting kinda excited with all the sales, beautiful light-up, and all those yummy Christmasy food. Excited! No?

It will be good if we can have a white Christmas here, but, you can just travel, if you wish to. Am hoping for a cold snowy-filled holiday this December but alas, hope dashed! So sad :(..... Anyway, still trying to land myself at a cold cold place. Still planning and thinking....HK again? Japan? Korea?

Wherever, just hope it can materialise. Keeping my fingers crossed!