Wednesday, December 12, 2007






Sunday, December 02, 2007

Yielding to Temptation

01st December 2007. I started my shopping on this day (er, for Christmas -- this is a good excuse ne :P) and I'm telling you, you can just feel the festive moods are in the air :)!

Aiyo, can you imagine all the Christmas decorations at Orchard Road were up around November and you can see those shopping malls ain't going to lag behind. Their Christmas trees and those bling bling decors were up as well! Christmas carols are also blasting all over places! Incredible! Now with 23 more days to go, better start planning, if you got parties to go.

Now, with sales and more sales, and those Christmasy gorgeous goodies to go for, now what should we gals do? I say let's throw caution to the wind and do what American writer, Mark Twain said: "I deal with temption by yielding to it." Hmm...and I thought Oscar Wilde said that.

Anyway, am looking forward to the holidays coz it will be some long holidays for me. How I wish I've made plans to have a white Christmas. The nearest I had had was 7 years ago at HK. Too bad, no snow. Perhaps must plan one for next year.

Now, I must go and hang up the Christmas wreath on my door :).

Friday, November 30, 2007






朋友问我:能不能同时爱2个人?答案:因人而异吧!人,本来就是自私的,试问哪有这么多博爱的人?2年前曾阅读过这篇文章--爱的条件”, 作者的见解引起了我的共鸣,犹记得亦倍感震撼。希望看官们读了也会有同感。


Thursday, November 08, 2007




Thursday, August 09, 2007

Will You Dare to Find New Ways?

One people, one nation, one Singapore
That's the way that we'll be, forever more
Every creed and every race
Has its role and has its place
One people, one nation, one Singapore

Today is the time of the year when we sing our hearts out, belting out the lyrics of those national songs爱国歌, with gusto and pride. And, I see no reason why we shouldn't do so.

This tiny red dot, smacks somewhere in that world globe of yours, has come a long long way, and has achieved so much that her people are all well taken care of. We may be well pampered, we have lots of complaints (yes, I know, Singaporeans are complaint kings and queens), know nought of social grace and road courtesy, love to queue especially the queue is for food (haha), never miss out a sale, super kiasu and whatever nought you name it. But that's what make us so special and unique.

We have an efficient government (I know I know, you guys may not agree with me and gonna protest) but we really cannot find fault with the current government. They make sure all of us have affordable roof over our head, a retirement egg nest, enjoy the harvest the government reaps, have the ability to work beyond retirement and be prepared at all times against terroism. So, what's so bad about it?

There will always be people out there sniggering at us being 乖乖仔, no freedom of speech (is that so?), the ruling PAP is our nanny, but who cares? Well, I do lah, especailly if it gets on my nerve. But I must pity those smart alecks coz they never enjoy what we are enjoying. Aiyah, I think they never know. They never will.

Like what PM Lee has said in his National Day speech, "Singapore's changing...and I'd like Singaporeans to see it." Yes, I do like what I am seeing and we defnitely will completely transform.

Happy Birthday Singapore, and for more good years ahead :)! Yeah!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I am 16...

....going on 17.........I know I am naive..... -- Sound of Music --

How I wish I can say that again. Oh alright, am 37 going on 38. OMG, 38. Should I say scary? I really cannot imagine when I hit the BIG 4--0 in a couple of years time.

When I was much younger and innocent (*ahem), I simply could not wait for my 21st birthday. When it finally came, it was just fantastic coz leagally, I'm an adult., soon after, 22nd, 23rd came so fast that I could bargain for. So much so that I wish time can slow down.

I know, ageing with grace is a must now. And, as you grow a year older, you also turn wiser and mellower, hopefully. Everyday when I look at myself in the mirror, I really like what I am seeing. Yours truly looks so much presentable and more pleasing to the eyes :). Should I say with more sophistication? Yes, would like to believe so. And, yes, beauty never comes cheap or easy. You cannot imagine the regime, day and night, hot and cold, you have to adhere. Well, nothing ventures nothing gains. Yes? No?

I am always a happy-go-lucky gal, and definitely a staunch believer of kismet/fate. I, for one, do not believe that you can change or test fate. Your life has been destined upon birth and it is up to you how to live it to the fullest, for worse or for better. I choose to live it happily and adventuoursly. Happily coz I love the warm fuzzy feeling of joy and happiness. Adventurously coz you only live once, so no room for regret. None at all, to be precise.

So, at this point of time, I have crossed half of my life. Yes, there is no regret or whatsoever, and I do not see why I should have any. I try not to dwell on the uncertainty which may lie ahead of me. Come what may, it will be....que sera sera.....

Monday, August 06, 2007











Tuesday, March 20, 2007




说人生我肯定还未有资格,但别怕别怕,阿姨和姨丈有先见之明,给我取了个好名字:信宜 -- “一生持信,终世得宜”。他们要我秉着信义做人,宜人宜己。哇,得铭记在心哦。


Thursday, March 15, 2007




Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Yes, it's Valentine's Day, not V-day, my Significant Other would have said.

No, I don't celebrate at all but I do not mind receiving flowers. My Significant Other gave me a big bunch 7 years ago, I guess that's the end of it. How unromantic, huh?

With CNY just roound the corner, I'm so dead tired, with so many nth things to do. My writing bug has vanished too.....arrgh........I can't write like I used to........