Saturday, February 14, 2009

St Valentine's Day

I think I am a hopeless sucker for romanticism, that is, if there's such a word.

Just finished watching "Music and Lyrics" on HBO and this is the upmteen times that I have watched the movie. I just just just love the music! And, it's Valentine's Day today! Woah, I feel so so so romantic.....

Went shopping today and wherever I turned, there would be some youngsters carrying those pretty wrapped bouquets of flowers -- red roses, purple tulips, bright yellow sunflower, and even bears. Yes, a bouquet of bears. So cute! I couldn't stand it. I felt so old! Had just lamented to My Significant Other during lunch at 欣叶, his first bouquet of flowers to me was 9 years ago. The first and the last. As usual, he would say, to him every day is V-day....yah yah yah....

Anyway, it's Valentine's Day, I don't wanna spoil my romantic mood :). Gonna dwell in those happy moods for the rest of the night....

Happy Valentine's Day!

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